BellaJohn Theatricals
Classic Theater, New Ideas.
How we started, and what makes us unique...
In 2005, great friends John Lawrence and Jubel Obien started a conversation about doing theater that brought kids and adults,beginning and seasoned together in one production. Where a young theater mind could watch a seasoned professional, and work with amazing directors, choreographers and technicians, and really learn from people who would work ALONG SIDE them. It was hard work, it was alot of sacrifice. After 13 years, we are going into our 13th season with more knowledge, more talent and a heart for the NEW theater lover. You don't have to be a kid to want to start into theater. Our program takes all ages, seasoned or brand new, and puts them together to create a unique learning experience, and a wonderful top notch show for our patrons. Classic theater, new original shows created especially with new talent in mind, and cutting edge shows too! It takes volunteers, parents, community, and a network of talented designers, teachers, choreographers, directors to bring this all together. But we are growing, we are learning and we are looking to a big future. We hope you'll donate, take time to support, give your own talent and shine in some way with us! Or... maybe just come see a show! That's what BellaJohn Theatricals is about, supporting the arts in different ways!

Every month we offer workshops! In every skill that would make you a better performer, better at auditions, and just train you to be a better performer. Acting, tap, jazz, voice, theater, music styles for the voice, hip hop and so much more. You can come to one, or come to a few. These workshops are ONE time intensives on certain subjects. You'll never be "behind" cause you missed becaues each WORKSHOP is 90 min of intensive study for just one day! email us for a schedule! bellajohntheatricals@gmail.com

Community Productions/Theater
We auditions for shows every month. Any one can come to audition for a production. Most production rehearsal are 6-10 weeks, with the production at the end of that time span. Usually we post about auditions thorugh EMAIL. Please send us your email to add you to the audition schedule so you are informed of upcoming auditions in plenty of time to be ready. You can get coaching on how to be ready for an audition through our School at bellamarstudio@gmail.com!

Specialty Groups- reviews-teams
We have some amazing opportunities to perform, travel, and sing and dance with other just like you! Our Premiere Performance teams will travel to las Vegas New York and all of Southern California perfroming shows for Benefits, competitions, conventions and concerts. You can audition to be part of any number of fun teams. SONG & DANCE, Jazz, Musical Theater. Let us know that you'd like to travel, and be a part of a team of fellow musicians, dancers singers and actors!

We need you!! Would you like to usher a show? Help with Costumes? Concessions during our shows? Perhaps you'd like to come and help with backstage crew? Are you talented at painting and making things? We can always use a hand painting sets, and creating props for our shows! Tell us what you'd enjoy doing and we will be overjoyed to have the needed hands to make our productions, shows, and workshops work. The community help we get is a important part of doing wonderful work for the community!
Please email us at bellajohntheatricals@gmail.com so we can get you involved! All volunteers are background checked and Live scanned.